At the meeting this week, we had a Chinese auction.
The items in the auction were donated by members and
then members could buy 5 raffle tickets for a dollar.
This is one of the tables of goodies.
A cup was put in front of each item and you put a ticket in the
cup in front of the items you want to bid for. At the end
a ticket is drawn for each item and the person holding the corresponding butt
is the winner.
This months' charity block
Some cute stockings made for charity.
The members block of the month is slowly coming together.
The committee challenge this month was pin cushions.
Grania and Donna with theirs.
Show n Tell from the Posy Basket workshop.
and the following photos are from Show and Tell.
Donna thinks the sheep is cute. These 12x12's are Antoinette's
"A Touch of Lace" and "Teddy Bear"